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Quill & Stylus Press

Dandelion: An Ozark Mountain Reflection by Susan Steele Rives - Quill and Stylus Press

Dandelion: An Ozark Mountain Reflection by Susan Steele Rives - Quill and Stylus Press

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In her publishing debut, Christian author Susan Rives uses her poetry and song lyrics to tell a story. The story begins with a dandelion fighting for its life as it grows up in the dirty cracks of the sidewalk. It longs for sunshine, peace, and brighter days. As the dandelion endures the tempests and temperaments of life, one must wonder if it will even survive. 

Told in the style of traditional classical poetry, the author draws from her own experiences and those of others, using meter and rhyme to discuss such topics as life and death, war and peace, victory and defeat. Some poems tell her own story, while she wrote others empathetically through the eyes of others, some of whom she has known personally. 

She wrote in many styles, with some poems as riddles, some as accounts of modern or historical events, and still others as lyrics of songs she has composed. One piece will take you back in time to the days of Abraham Lincoln and Walt Whitman. Others, if they are written well, will fill you with the sights and sounds of familiar scenes from your own life.  Though we sometimes face the darkness of night, the dawn is yet to come, full of hope, courage, and light!

All glory to Christ!


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